Sunday, May 11, 2003

Well, I've decided to move and the place I'm moving to is really great. But the thought of moving all my shit is really not on my top ten favorite things to do in the world list. I started going through my stuff today in an attempt to weed out what I have moved with me over the years thinking I'll use it or need it but have never done anything with it but move it. All I can say is this sucks. I'm really trying to get rid of so much crap that I've accumulated over the years that I really don't use. And what's even more amazing is that so much of the stuff is from my mom who obviously didn't want the shit so she sent the shit to me to clutter my place. I've got a lot of shit. Not to mention that it doesn't help that I'm not the most organized person in the world so not only do I have a lot of shit it is scattered shit. Today, my word is 'shit'. I'm just hoping that I can get all this shit in some sort of order to throw it in boxes and move the shit to its new home. So that's my story about shit. I've got a lot of it and I've got to get it packed and moved in 2 weeks. Did I mention that I also am an expert procrastinator! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment so if anyone out there actually reads this 'shit' then please...send suggestions.

On that note...I'll close this blog for another day. But I need to mention that my next night on stage is Thursday, May 22nd. at 8:00pm at the Ybor Improv. Get in free...say my name...then just pay me after the show ;)