Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Men have a biological clock?

Well this is damn interesting! As of late, I've heard and read some interesting news on MEN having a biological clock. I'm very happy to hear this as I'm rather sick of women taking the heat about our "clocks". I think it's high time that men take some responsibility here. Thank God that they, too, must own up to this reproductive crap.

I used to think that the "BIOLOGICAL CLOCK" was all horse shit! I didn't believe in it at all. Until it happened and it freaked me out! OK, so I'm not desperate or anything. And maybe it's just societal pressure that makes women feel this way. But I guess it does exist and I guess I can admit it's happened to me. And now....men too have been outed!!!

As I understand this, the older a man gets to reproduce, the more likely the health of his offspring will be at risk or he may not be able to reproduce at all. Huh....HA!!!!!!!!

Therefore....I'm now setting my sights on younger men. :)