Saturday, September 02, 2006

Love at first sight

I'm in love! It's absolute LOVE! I can't help myself. I know it's foolish and fast but when it feels this strong how can you deny your feelings??? I knew I was in love the moment I laid eyes on him. He's so beautiful and very intelligent. His deep, brown eyes and soft hair...and the way he looks at me when he's close. I can't seem to get enough of him! I know this is so impetuous! It's only been over a month. I just can't stop thinking about him and now that we're able to spend more time together I know how right it is. Is this the man of my dreams? least very close. Although it's fast and we really just met, I don't care. It's true love.

I love you my little peanut. My boy. My little nephew, Mack.