Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday America!!!

I thought since I've been rather lax on blogging lately, what better day to post something than America's birthday. I wish I had a wonderful pic to post along with this post but as I browse through my pic gallery I really don't have anything that would fit for the occasion. No flags, no fireworks, no pictures of the Statue of Liberty. Well, I have one but my sister is in it and the statue is far away in the background and really not visible unless you are familiar with the location.

Then as I continued to search my gallery, I came across some pics of someone I know who was in the army and the pics were taken of him in Iraq almost 2 years ago. Ofcourse this brings back a flood of emotion and memories. And now my post goes from one of celebrating America's birthday to thinking of someone I'm trying very hard NOT to think about. Don't you just love how things play out in life???

I've asked this person to go away. Leave me alone for good. That was very hard to do but I did this for reasons that I need not post here. I have to admit, though, not a day goes by that I don't think of him. And, although I sent him away, I'm still grateful that he came back from Iraq safe. I'm grateful that he's back home with his family and friends and I'm grateful he's getting back into his life. I wish things had been different as I miss so many things about him. Especially that New York accent. And the fact that he is so utterly brilliant it's scarey. But, I guess he just doesn't know what to do with a REAL woman once he has met her. I can't be angry at him as there's no point in wasting that kind of energy. Plus I'd like to think that as I get older, holding onto anger, as I have learned, really serves no purpose except to keep me down.

So today...America's Birthday. Happy Birthday America!

God bless America
God bless our troops everywhere
And Godspeed to you. I miss ya...what can I say.