Monday, May 15, 2006

More things that make you go 'Hmmmm'....

Happy Monday! I am still recovering from a Saturday night "all nighter". What's so amusing about this is I was just recently having a conversation with a co-worker about how I don't do the "all-nighters" as much anymore. It's a rare occassion when I do. Stating to her that I was at an age where those things just don't happen anymore. Heh...but it was fun and I digress.

So I was at this party...the "all-nighter" with people from work. It was a perfect night for a party. The weather was just right. Humidity was low for this time of year in Florida. And it was a full moon. I was sitting around the fire drinking a beer and chatting it up with my friends/co-workers when the one I was sitting next to started to chat about the current war. He and I usually talk politics as we both see things similarly. He's cool like that. Truth be told I have a little crush on the guy. He's someone I respect very much. He's an awesome, knowledgeable nurse. Kind of quiet. A gentleman. A liberal. Very intelligent. And humble which is something I so admire. I'm not one to fish off the company pier as my mother always said "don't shit where you eat" and I believe that to be true. However, I still have a crush on the guy for who he is as a person.

During our conversation about Iraq, war, genocide in Africa...nice conversation considering we were both buzzed drinking our beer, smoking a cigarette and having a relaxing night off around a fire...we started to discuss Iran and the nuke situation there. How interesting it all was to me that we went to war with Iraq because of these WMD's that were never found. Yet we can pin-point the exact location where Iran is manufacturing uranium??? Hmmmm.... How interesting it is that Iraq borders Iran. How strategic this would be for the U.S. to be in Iraq if we were to Nuke them. Yet certainly not to our advantage to be the culprit of nuking Iran...we should get someone else to do it. Say a country that has been an enemy for years. One that has been fighting for holy territory. An interesting conversation this was considering the drinking, the smoking and the crush.

On a lighter side...I should have taken advantage of the situation. He was much more intoxicated than I. I should have let him kiss me when he leaned in to do so. But I turned my head out of embarrassment. I tend to get stupidly shy in these situations. I didn't get home until 6:00am. I still went to the baseball game that afternoon with my friends even though I was massively tired and slightly hung over. It was a good weekend. And now my dog is nudginig me repeatedly to put her outside. She's been patient through this whole post. I guess I should let her skamper about chasing the lizards. It's another gorgeous day and I need to get outside and enjoy it. At least until I have to go to work...Happy Monday.