Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

It's a debate. Some people make New Year's resolutions and some don't. I'm not big on them and I don't always stick to them but this year I need to. I've decided to quit smoking.

It's not something I was really public about. I didn't like how I smelled after a cigarette. I love the smell of perfume and was noticing that my sense of smell wasn't as sharp as it had been in the past. Plus there really is no benefit to smoking what so ever. I was a closet smoker. Now was the time to come out of the closet and just stop! Give up what is so bad for me. Today is day four. So far so good.

And since I'm on this kick...why not give up things that aren't good for me in general. Turn things around to a positive. What better time than now. I might as well. Make a concerted effort to just be better and get out of the funk that seemed to linger far too long in 2005. Just be healthy...physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. It's a huge step to take it all on but why not?'s all a do over anyway. When things aren't going the right way...well just do over.

And it all started with quitting smoking. Get rid of those bad toxins....all the bad toxins!