Tuesday, July 20, 2004

This article deserves attention. Hal Crowther is a former writer for Time and Newsweek, The Buffalo News and the North Carolina Spectator. Read it...it's powerful.



Monday, July 19, 2004


So I haven't been very good about this blog. I've let a lot of things slide as I've been preoccupied over the last few months. Then what happens...people lose interest. Forget all about my blog.

So what the hell am I going to rant about tonight. SO many things have happened. How about honesty and integrity. I don't think people know how to be honest. I mean true honesty. You don't have to be so blatant that you hurt someone. But I think in the long run...honesty can save someone from more hurt later on down the road.

People have lost sight of honesty and integrity. We're all out for ourselves. Who gives a shit about the other. And look where that's lead us. Look at how our dishonest leader has been to us...mislead us.
And for what? For more innocent lives to be lost.

OK, let's break it down more. What about between people. Instead of just saying something, we cheat, lie, or just stay silent. Never letting the other know, leaving them hanging. Is that shit or what?
You know...sometimes the truth really hurts. But the unknown...now that really sucks. I'd rather know.

DOn't mess with people...it only bites you in the ass in the long run. Karma has a way of doing that. At least I can always count on karma.