Monday, August 28, 2006


They say everything in life happens for a reason. I do believe this. However, sometimes I'm not quite sure why certain things happen when they seem so WRONG!

There has been something going on that is just wrong and I feel I can honestly say that I feel hate. I really am not one to hate as it tends to suck energy from me and what's the point in that. But for the time being I feel I need to hate in order to get past this situation. Yes, it is hate and I'm not ashamed to admit it. It will not consume me for long as I've already given it too much energy. Just like I believe in things happening for a reason I also believe in Karma. Karma has yet to fail me. And that keeps a wry smile on my face.

Ultimately, what I know for sure and what is most important are friends. I know my friends truly care and they are the ones that are always by me and stick up for me no matter what. And for that I remain grateful.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sock it to 'em!