Sunday, January 05, 2003

I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I'm not ready for the weekend to be over just yet. Whenever I pass by one of those billboards with the estimated Lotto jackpot, I always imagine what I'd do if I won all that money. How would I resign from work. What my first purchase would be.....actually I know exactly what my first purchase would be. I'd go right down to the Jaguar dealership and slap down my money on a Jaguar XKR convertable. Black. I've wanted a Jaguar as far back as I can remember liking cars.

It's not that I'm not perfectly happy with my life right now, it's just so much fun to dream a little. Although, isn't there a verse in a Sheryl Crow song that says "it's not getting what you want, but wanting what you've got". What would life be without some of those dreams, though. So that's one of my many dreams. Something to do while I sit on a Sunday night thinking about all the paperwork I have to do tomorrow. Oh well, such is life. I'm just doing what is expected in the world of form. (now ain't that deep) And for those who like music, I have to highly recommend Norah Jones' new CD 'Come Away With Me'. Great easy listening music. Probably why I'm not feeling funny tonight...just feeling. Have a great week and remember...."you can't have everything, where would you put it?" (quoted by Steven Wright and oh so appropriate)