Wednesday, February 26, 2003

OK, so I've slacked on my blog the past couple weeks. I do have other responsibilities ya know. Lately these responsibilities have been really demanding! There are certain people in my life who are completely ANAL! Certain people who are so demanding and believe that I can control what others do and/or say, think, speak. Like I have some sort of telepathic power over others. If I did, then I'd use my powers to my benefit and get certain people off my ass! I guess, though, if I had these wonderful powers, I'd most likely be weathly in another capacity. Oh to dream........
At this moment, my dog is my only comfort and, frankly, it doesn't get any better than that. At least not today.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Some quick announcements....
First- CONGRATULATIONS to my wonderful friend, 'DF' who finally had her beautiful baby boy today at 1:30pm.
8 lbs. 6 oz.! Big boy! 'D', baby and family are all excited and doing well. Can't wait to see the 'lil whipper snapper!
Next- I'll be the MC at the Vero Beach comedy club on Tuesday, Feb. 18th. It's my first paid MC gig so that will be interesting. Hopefully it won't be my last.
Finally- My next night at the Ybor Improv will be Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 8:00pm. It's open mic night and I'm hoping to have some new material. However, if nothing inspires me...then WHATEVER!

Thursday, February 06, 2003

I have to brag. I went to Survivor Comedy tonight at the Ybor Improv and I'm proud to say I made it all the way to the finals! Although I didn't win, the winner had been doing comedy for many years, I consider myself lucky to have made it that far. What an experience. And I met a guy who has a restaurant/comedy club in New Tampa and he told me to give him a call as he'd PAY ME to do some comedy at his club!!! Many thanks to all my friends who showed up to support me. I know I wouldn't have been able to get as far as I did without you guys. Overall, a great night!

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Isn't it interesting how you can meet someone and be so completely head over heels for them. I mean you just can't stop thinking about them...EVER! The stalker in you comes out to the surface and you find yourself oh so conveniently in places where they just might happen to be.

Then something happens and you are able to step back and see things from a different angle. As if you are now looking at the situation as an outsider and suddenly that person isn't "all that". Of course, all your friends told you that person wasn't "all that" (My Grandmother used to say "love is blind, but the neighbors aren't" and that is so appropriate.) Deep down you knew the person was certainly not much at all. But you still wanted to believe
they were different for whatever crazy reason.

Well, it's moments like these that I can tell I have grown so much as a person. I'm quite pleased with myself that I am able to use my intuition and get an accurate sense of what someone really is like before I waste a tremendous amount of my valuable time over someone who doesn't deserve my time. My wonderful friend, Char, once told me that her 30's were a truly fabulous time for her as she was more confident, more secure with herself and she is right. I love my confidence. I love my intuition that I am really starting to pay close attention to. I love that I am able to see that my time is precious and is not to be wasted. And I love this inner calmness or peace that I have come to feel so much more frequently. Nobody is ever worth you losing yourself. My journey has certainly been interesting and I am so looking forward to what may present itself in the future.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

I just found out today that I will be going up at the Centro Ybor Improv on Wednesday night, February 5th, at 8:00pm for the Survivor Comedy competition. Anyone interested in going can say my name at the window and get in for free! wow.