Sunday, November 14, 2004

Are the planets out of alignment?

Everywhere I turn it seems as though people are hooking up. I'm getting calls left and right about my friends who have met someone absolutely spectacular and they are just so happy! My one friend, and she so deserves to be happy with someone wonderful, she ends one long relationship and BAM...the next day meets a guy online. I'm skeptical at first as she JUST met him online. But when I met him he was really nice. I mean really great. Hard to find any fault with him.

Another friend, hubby and her decide to call it quits. She didn't want to at first she wanted to work it out. And she so just didn't work. Next thing I know she's visiting here and telling me all about her new beau and how much she adores him and it's the best sex ever! I'm happy for her! Really!

Those are just a couple of examples. But so many are telling me of great hook-ups I'm wondering if it's an epidemic? All these happy people make me....ummm....well...
no comment. I have my dog.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Well, it took two days for me to post about the presidential election. I'm not happy about the winner. I find it hard to believe that so many Americans truly believe that Bush will improve the economy, help the war on terrorism, improve healthcare for everyone. If he hasn't done this in the past 4 years then how does he plan to do it in the next 4 years. He can basically coast on his stupidity and there's nothing we can do about it.

His smugness provokes anger in me that is hard to suppress. Not to mention the combination of Bush and Cheney is something only the devil himself can come up with. What's amazing to me is that when Europeans were asked which countries posed the greatest threat to world peace...The countries they listed were...North Korea, Iran, Israel and the United States! YES! We are included is what many Europeans believe as the greatest threat to world peace! And why??? Because of our fearless leader. Our president, the tyrant!

I cannot support a man who does not honor separation of church and state, takes away women's rights and supports making changes to the constitution as though it is a memo! The very foundation of what this country was built on! But I can bitch and complain until I turn blue. The fact is that Bush has somehow deceitfully convinced the Americans that he can do it. And for 4 more years I will have to change the channel when I see him on a TV station I am watching and lower the volume on the radio when I hear his voice. Yes...I can't stand him that much.