Sunday, November 14, 2004

Are the planets out of alignment?

Everywhere I turn it seems as though people are hooking up. I'm getting calls left and right about my friends who have met someone absolutely spectacular and they are just so happy! My one friend, and she so deserves to be happy with someone wonderful, she ends one long relationship and BAM...the next day meets a guy online. I'm skeptical at first as she JUST met him online. But when I met him he was really nice. I mean really great. Hard to find any fault with him.

Another friend, hubby and her decide to call it quits. She didn't want to at first she wanted to work it out. And she so just didn't work. Next thing I know she's visiting here and telling me all about her new beau and how much she adores him and it's the best sex ever! I'm happy for her! Really!

Those are just a couple of examples. But so many are telling me of great hook-ups I'm wondering if it's an epidemic? All these happy people make me....ummm....well...
no comment. I have my dog.