Sunday, September 12, 2004

One more thing that I just had to mention for today. We have a major election coming up in less than 2 months. November 2nd is going to be a huge day for this country and you need to get out and vote! Don't even think that your one vote doesn't count.

Look back to the 2000 election and and just see how split the country was. In my heart I believe that Al Gore got the shaft. But the fact is that Bush only won by a few hundred votes. A FEW HUNDRED! Imagine! Your vote does count!

Especially this election where women's rights are on the verge of being completely taken away. With the war in Iraq being on the forefront of everyone's minds (and it should be). The jobless rates also being a big issue. What hasn't gotten much press are women's rights. You need to be informed. Whether you're a Republican, a Democrat, or're an American and you need to vote!

If you've read my blog it's pretty obvious where I stand on who should be in the white house. The way I see it, I'd rather have 2 John's in the white house than a Dick in a Bush.

Just fucking vote!