Friday, September 10, 2004

OK. Well...this is great. We now have yet ANOTHER hurricane heading this way and I have got to say. I'M OVER THIS SHIT!!!!!
I have more canned food, duct tape, D batteries, candles and twinkies than I care to mention. Except for the candles and the twinkies...I have no need for the rest of the shit. Unless I end up with no power and no home in the nest few days. I'm sick of buying large jugs of water to lug them up my stairs and then lug them back down to my car to evacuate the area. Only to lug them back up after the storm has passed. Now, mind you, I am greatful that so far I've fared very well. Charley missed us completely and Frances was scarey and slightly destructive to us but really all was ok. Now we have Ivan the terrible headed straight for Tampa Bay at a catagory 4. If it maintains it's current track...we will not be so lucky this time. And I will definitely leave the area. Hell...I'm leaving the state! Shit...I'm thinking that maybe it might be a good idea to consider moving all together. This sucks.

And as I stated in a previous's the waiting and wondering that really bites. The not knowing what to expect and where it's going to go is so nerve wracking. I'm not a very calm person when this shit happens.

So I sit and wait...and wait...and wiat. Waiting for God knows what!!!