Sunday, August 29, 2004

OK, so i never claimed to be technologically saavy. I thought I got by just fine on the computer knowledge that I have. But it has become soooooo flippin apparent that my job in life is not to 'pretend' that I have a clue when it comes to technology. I'm at a complete loss.

All afternoon I've been trying to get my extemely cheap pseudo digi-cam to work. Reading the manual (hate following directions...especially from a manual) doing everything just right. Frustrated and thinking of drinking heavily. Still nothing. Until the problem just appeared like a sign from God. After hours of sweat and laborious work. There it was...*POOF*.
It needed a battery. Go figure. I have just proven what a "girl" I am. Four years of college...ok...five. Work as a professional dealing with other educated professionals. Have made it this far in life. Actually have others believing that I'm intelligent. Hell, I thought I was intelligent. Until this afternoon. So rather than just laugh it off and figure who would know. Why not post it on my blog for others to see what an idiot I can be. I'm sure you all can relate to moments like this. Thank God for my sense of humor. The whole techie thing just isn't for me. But shit, I can do your make-up an make ya look pretty! I must be lacking that techie gene or not enough testosterone...

Oh is what it is, dammit.

Godspeed, Z