Saturday, March 06, 2004

I sit here and stare at this computer screen wanting to post something on my blog as it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything. But nothing comes to mind. Actually, many things are on my mind but I can't seem to express them onto this site. I wouldn't know where to start. I guess I'm feeling magenta. Magenta is a term I have that I got from my favorite sitcom, The Golden Girls. No, I'm not at all ashamed to admit this. Those who know me well know that I am a hopeless Golden Girl fanatic. It's my obsession. But the term magenta is something that Blanche used to describe when she's feeling all sorts of things.....she's not "green" with envy, she's not feeling "blue", she wouldn't consider herself a coward therefore she's not "yellow". When she has all these emotions going on at once she calls it "magenta" because she hates feeling this way and she hates the color magenta. That's how I feel. Magenta. All kinds of emotions at once. So I just babble on my blog because I can. A meaningless entry. No politics, no religion, nothing personal to blog about. And I am usually so opinionated...but not today...not now. Now I'm just magenta.