Saturday, December 06, 2003

As good as it gets

Picture it....New York City. The day after Thanksgiving. It's evening at a small Italian restaurant in Little Italy. Two people meet for the first time in person. After many weeks of correspondence, finally they meet.

In the rain they walk arm and arm. He holds the umbrella over her so she doesn't get wet. Giddy with laughter, excitement and nervousness. How would the evening go?

In the restaurant, the introductions to friends. He steps aside to let her pass by and pulls out her chair. She rests her hand on his knee, his arm around her shoulders. They step outside for a moment, hugging, laughing. Inside the dinner continues and any conversation is lost in the air as she sits next to him in their own little world. Once again they step outside and with his arm around her, he leans in and kisses her lips. A woman selling flowers comes up and asks if he would like to buy some flowers. She is consumed with him and can't take her eyes off of him. He declines the flowers and she hardly notices anyone else's presence. All that matters is that she is holding him now, and his arms are around her.

Dinner continues but she is so caught up in his presence, the hours seem like minutes...seconds. As they leave, again he has his arm around her, holding the umbrella, sheilding her from the rain. They drive to the train station to drop her friends off. He will take her home that night. But life gets in the way and he is not able to. He is leaving in a couple of days. He will be gone 18 months.
The music plays and they kiss. Softly he cups her face in his hands and kisses her gently. He promises to keep in touch. She tells him that nothing matters except his safety. They agree to continue where they left off when he returns to the states. She reluctantly exits the car and runs to meet her friends at the door to the train station. Half way there she stops and turns around. He is still there, watching her leave. They wave to one another. She wonders why does this have to end now? Why is he so wonderful? Why does she meet someone so amazing only to have him leave for so long?

The night was perfect. The feelings between the two were electric. And they shall meet again. Because they were meant to meet, to come together. Everything happens for a reason.

And for the next 18 months, I shall have this wonderful memory of one of the best moments I have had in my lifetime. The music, the city, the kiss and him. What a gift. I will cherish that and hold it close to my heart until we meet again.

Godspeed, 'Z'. I think of you always and pray for you everyday. You shall be safe and protected.