Sunday, November 23, 2003

AH, the holiday season is upon us, once again. How wonderful this time of year is. Hectic but wonderful. I love the holidays. If you've been reading my blog you know how much I love Christmas and enjoy my white Christmas in the Midwest at my sister's house. I've got my tickets and am so looking forward to my visit.

But it's the trip I am taking this week that is so exciting to me. I'm heading up to my best friend's place in Jersey and we are going into New York City for the weekend! I'm so thrilled. I've never been to NYC. I can't wait. The thought of being able to do all that shopping makes me quiver in my shoes! OK, so maybe I'm barefoot. But you get it. I can't imagine I'll have the time to do all the things I want to do. Rockafeller Center, the Christmas tree! All the decorations! Central Park, The Plaza, Times Square, MACY's!!!!!! Or the Met, The Museum of Natural History, So Ho, Broadway, China Town and all the knock off hand bags!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. Since I'm such a freak at Christmas and love it so much, my sister has dubbed me the "Christmas Whore". I accept the title with pride and honor.
I can't imagine what I'll be like in CHina Town with all the choices of fake Prada's, Gucci's, Kate Spade....all of it! I'm not ashamed to admit it...I'm poor, but I can at least look like I have style and taste...on a budget of course.

THis Thanksgiving, instead of sitting at home wondering where all the good men are, to hell with them! I'm going to see New York City and New York City will certainly see me!

Since this is a time of giving thanks. Let's not forget our troops over in the middle east. Whether we agree with what is going on or not, the fact remains that these men and women are risking their lives for us. Never forget them. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.