Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I've been so horrible about this site! I'm a slacker.

I haven't been doing the comedy thing for about a month and I need to get back into it. I can't believe that the holidays are approaching so fast. Although I am so looking forward to my vacation at Christmas.

I have been spending the last few Christmas holidays with my sister and her LP. They live up north and I've never been disappointed when it comes to having a white Christmas. I so love the cold at Christmas. I love Christmas! Anyone who knows me knows how I am about Christmas. I love decorating the house, putting up the tree, seeing all the decorated store fronts, radio stations that play Christmas music starting the day after Thanksgiving.

I look forward to my sister's house. She has the coziest home and I get the upstairs all to myself. I love putting on my flannel jammies and my socks and burying myself under tons of blankets. Sometimes on those nights, Maggie the cat will visit me and snuggle up to my head or feet.

My sis and I usually end up rushing around doing last minute things but I look forward to spending the time with her and her LP. Brisk walks around the lake. Drives to the country to visit her friends at old farm houses with bon fires burning outside to roast marshmallows on. There's always one night that we'll get a fire going and sit around the living room just talking. It all sounds like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting, but it almost is. I so look forward to those times.

I spent one Christmas alone when I first moved to Florida and I have vowed to never do that again. Since then I've been lucky enough to be able to spend it with my sister and her LP. I can't wait for my trip this year and I know when the time comes it will fly by and I'll have to wait another year. But the moments are treasured and fondly remembered. I'm sure that it won't always be this way. Things change, but until they do, I'm still looking forward to my Christmas up north with my flannel jammies and my warm socks.