Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Well, my birthday has come and gone. Another year older and still not a national celebration. I'm still working on that. Still, a fun time was had by all. Since my birthday falls the day before my best friend's birthday, we make every effort to celebrate together and this year was no exception. This year we would meet in Vegas, baby.
So off I went to Sin City to meet up with 'S'. Of course I wasn't alone in my journey. 'J' also came along...that's
my friend and 'S's sister-in-law. But our motto was "we are soooo going to par-teh". Well, let me just say that in theory it sounds good. Saying it makes you feel good. But the actual "par-teh-ing"...wears the shit out of you. I can't believe that I am still trying to recover from a very enjoyable, yet long weekend. Plus the time change thing really killed me! I mean we got home Sunday morning at 4am only to realize that it's actually 5am! And the whole thing about stopping off at some fast food place to pick up some food to scarf down when you get home from a late night out...that may have been ok in college but MAN, I can barely tolerate it now. I mean I had to take Pepto Bismol 2 hours after I went to bed just so I didn't throw up from eating so late/early in the morning. And ....get this....remember the 80's band 'Ratt' ("Round and Round")? Well, they were the band that was playing at the House of Blues before the 70's band started and we ended up hanging out with the lead singer and his brother for a portion of the night. The lead singer, Jimmy(I think), he didn't look any different. Just his hair wasn't as big as I remember it to be in the 80's. Talk about a blast from the past. And then there were these guys 'J' and I met. One was from New Zealand and the other lives in HotLanta but originally from India. They insisted on buying me shots of Skyy vodka for my birthday which one shot is really quite enough. Not the smoothest vodka nor the best. Not that I'm a critic or anything. But since it was my birthday weekend celebration I figured what the hell and totally splurged. For S's birthday we ate at the Vodoo Cafe 50 floors up at the Rio. Great view! J and I got a psychic reading. This round faced, round bellied woman with a jeweled head piece told me about my "ora" and basically named all the colors in the rainbow. But I'm supposedly in good health. She told me I have very profound psychic abilities myself but I need to tap into them more and pay closer attention to them. Huh, interesting. She told me about relationships that I will be having or something like that but basically I'm to enjoy myself. That's not advice I need to be paying for. I already knew that. Maybe I should throw on a golden head piece and tell people the same thing and get paid for it. But it was all for fun and we certainly had fun.
I received many calls from my friends wishing me a happy birthday. I really appreciated that. Makes you feel good when so many people remember. And that's really what I wanted most for my birthday...to spend it with family and friends and that's exactly what I did. I got to have a beer with my dad. That was very important to me and I know it was to him, although it may have been just the beer but I think I sweetened the pot a bit. Plus I spent my day with my wonderful and caring friends who mean so much to me. And I left my 32nd year and came into my 33rd year with a very nice gift from someone who knew exactly what I personally wanted for my birthday, thanks 'BD'...yes, you know who you are ;) Although hard to recouperate from such a fabulous Vegas weekend, I wouldn't have changed it for the world.