Tuesday, April 01, 2003

My Birthday is fast approaching. I hate the fact that when a birthday comes around I start to think about my life and where it's going.
I'm not getting any younger, but, thankfully, no one else is either. I'm not quite sure where I want to be in my life, but I also like to think I'm where I should be at this point. One thing is for sure, I am able to look at things with far greater insight than I was 10 or even 5 years ago. Ahhhh, birthdays....how they make us re-examine our lives. At least it makes me re-examine mine.

I can look back on my younger years and recall some dysfunctional relationships that I tried so hard to maintain. Now that I'm older, I still have those dysfunctional relationships but at least I can see that they are dysfunctional. I just tend to put the "fun" in dysfunction. See how much I've grown emotionally?
I'm also not as co-dependent as I once was. I figure that if what's wrong with someone else hasn't been able to be fixed by now, then it's not going to be fixed and certainly not by me. I hate to sound cynical, I'd rather it be taken as more of a calmness that I hadn't experienced before. Not that I look at life through rose colored glasses. Seriously, why worry about the little things. Shit happens but so do the good things. Life is what you make it. My dad always says, "there's no utopia" and he's right.
Regardless of my impending birthday, each day I get better and more knowledgable. Each day there is an opportunity to make things better or worse. It only depends on me and no one else. I have the choice to sit on the side and watch the dance or I can dance....and, frankly, I choose to dance. Happy Birthday to me!