Friday, January 31, 2003

I'm so grateful for my friends. I consider myself very lucky to have the quality friendships that I have. I mean they aren't just surface friendships, they are true friendships. Ones that you can count on when times are good and bad. That is so important to me especially since I don't have family that lives close by. I guess I'm getting all schmoopy right now because my car decided it didn't want to stop today. Scared me to death since I was cruising off of the interstate and I tried to slow down and I had the brake peddle completely to the floor and I was still moving! Now I don't know much about cars, other than how to drive them, but I do know that not being able to stop is not a good sign. Not knowing what to do I called my dad who lives, not so conveniently, in Las Vegas and told him my dilemma. He tried to advise me the best he could but admitted he didn't know much about cars to be helpful. Fortunately, "B" called and I explained my predicament to him. Without hesitation, he said he would come by and take a look just to make sure everything was OK. And just like that, fifteen minutes later, "B"
pulled up to the rescue! Now, of course when someone treks across town to see what is wrong with my car, there is NOTHING wrong with my car! So I felt like an idiot that he had come so far out of his way for nothing, but I sure was appreciative of him for doing that. I just had to brag about what a nice gesture and a nice guy "B" is because of his concern for my safety. I certainly hope that I am just as good a friend to others as my friends are to me. Aw shucks, Thanks, "B".