Sunday, January 26, 2003

GO BUCS! GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sending some good energy and good KARMA out to San Diego so the BUCS kick some Raiders ASS!!!!!!!!!!
It's going to be a great game. Last I heard the Las Vegas Strip has given the Bucs four points. Which is odd since they are going to KILL THE RAIDERS! And for some stupid, completely ridiculous reason, my work has scheduled a mandatory OSHA Safety Training session meeting at 9:00a.m. tomorrow. Now company policy states that you are not allowed to show up at work while intoxicated. Therefore, I may have to call in sick as I must follow company policy!

And a reminder that I will be going up on stage this January 29th, 8:00pm at Tampa's Centro Ybor Improv. Get in free by saying my name at the ticket window. Hopefully I'll be funny. Also, I'm going up February 4th, in Orlando's new Improv. I've heard great things about that Improv.

GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!