Monday, March 10, 2003

So I'm on my way to a wedding and, before I pick up my wonderful friend 'W', I decide to make a quick call to my parents. My mom answers and informs me that dad is out having a beer with a buddy of his. Mom inquires as to what I'm doing and I tell her that I'm all dressed up on my way to a friend's wedding that evening. Now keep in mind that I've said nothing else and I am looking forward to a fun evening with 'W'. Knowing that ...well, I look fabulous all dressed up and knowing that he, too, will look gorgeous in his suit. Together we will look stunning and dance the night away. Anyway, I'm talking to mom about my dress and out of nowhere she gets this encouraging tone in her voice and announces..."don't you worry, honey, someday you'll find someone who will want to marry you and who will find out how wonderful you are!!!" "You just hang in there and someday someone will see what a tremendous person you are and you'll get married too." Okaaaaaay. Huh. That's interesting. I wasn't even thinking along those lines before I spoke to mom. She always knows how to say just the right thing.
I didn't know how to continue that conversation since she sort of kept up with the "pep talk" about my prince coming to rescue me someday. What I find even more intriguing is that this is the same woman who raised me to be independent and take care of myself. The same woman who told me to get my education, get a career going. She was famous for saying that you could get married on any free weekend...but being an independent, educated woman was far more important. Thank God I also have a very healthy sense of humor or I may not have taken that so well. I do have a birthday coming up in less than a month. I'm heading further into my thirties but I don't look at it as a time to panic. I'm not going to this wedding thinking why it's not me getting married.
I'm actually looking forward to the wedding since I'm going with 'W' and I knew we would have fun. I believe that if something is meant to happen then it will. I'm just starting out with my comedy, I'm exploring new worlds, new civilizations....allowing men to boldly go where no man has gone before. OK, so it's not StarTrek.
Whatever...I've gotten off the subject. But, as my sista pointed out, mom was probably voicing a desire that she has for me. As she gets older I know she wants me to get married. And I must confess that I do hope that someday I can take that walk down the aisle on my father's arm. But right's not what's in the plan. And that's ok.

Incidently, 'C and M's' wedding was beautiful. The look on the groom's face when he saw his bride brought tears to my eyes. I do hope that someday someone will look at me like that. In the meantime, people can continue to look at me with that confused, constipated look. Thanks for being my date 'W'. I had such a great time dancing and laughing. We laughed so much.

Yes, mom, someday I'm sure someone will come along who will see how wonderful I am and want to marry me. But the question really is, will I want to marry him?