Sunday, August 03, 2003

I think I actually forgot I had this site! HOw terrible am I? Must be all those years eating food cooked out of aluminum pots.

My last entry was about my move. Well, I'm moved and pretty much settled. My apartment is adorable and...the best part...I have a washer and dryer!!! I've been washing things just for the sake of washing. My poor dog, though, she has quite a time gettting around on the hard wood floors. She's like a pig on ice. It's great entertainment on a Saturday night when, say, you get stood up for a date, you end up watching the dog spaz out and run all over slamming into everything since she can't stop due to the slippery floors. So I joined her and put on my slippers and ran around sliding all over the floors too.

Speaking of being stood up....why do guys do that? Why would a guy call you frequently, ask you out for the upcoming weekend, make it sound as though you're going to really have a great time...then not call? Why is that? Do men just get scared? Last minute regrets? Something better came up and I don't have the balls to call her and tell her thanks but no thanks? I realize that men and women are different...are we EVER different! But come play these games then wonder why women seem to have it out for the opposite sex. Another one of my favorites, when men actually reveal how they feel about someone then they act like an ass and pull back. They must have thought about all the nice things they had said and decided in order to counter act the nicey shit, they have to BE a shit.

I was with some friends last night and some have kids who are teenagers. We were discussing one's daughter and her date that night. Her daughter was thrilled because the guy paid her way on the date. SO we were talking about that and one of the gentlemen sitting at our table asked why that was so shocking that a guy would pay for the girl on a date. I even mentioned that I would have no problem paying for my way on a date, especially if I was the one asking the guy out. He was SHOCKED. Silly times have changed. I've certainly had my share of guys who just couldn't grasp the concept of being a gentleman. And that does not, in any way, imply that being a gentleman means they have to fork over the cash. But has chivalry died? Since women are in the workforce and are obtaining higher educations and able to take care of themselves, does that mean we no longer wish for that knight in shining armor? Is there a balance between being independent and still wanting some chivalry from a man? Is it possible to be independent yet still want to feel like a "girl" when with a man? These questions I have pondered and have yet to come up with an answer. I just think it's all so confusing...for both sexes. I certainly like that I am independent. I know that I will have a partner only if I want to be with that person, not because I have to. That's very empowering. But sometimes, sometimes I just want to be with someone who I know can take charge if I couldn't. Am I asking too much from a man? Are we as independent women asking too much? Do men just not "get it" any more? Could I ask any more questions?