Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I guess I'm in the market for a new home. Well, either to rent or maybe to buy. Not sure yet. I don't want to feel pressured. I hate rushing into anything. But my humble abode, actually the leasing office of my humble abode, has decided to increase my rent much more than expected this year and I'm not going to tolerate it! That's right, DAMMIT! I'm not going to take it! So now I'm faced with being homeless in a couple of short months. I've got to admit, I'm not good at being without. So I'm scrambling to find a new nest. Although I'm not looking forward to moving since it will be the middle of summer and I do live in Florida. It will be the height of humid season here. Just standing outside alone will make my thighs stick together for an eternity. But that's another topic...I'll just stay with the moving bit. Anyway, it is rather exciting to look for something that I don't already have. Like a place with a washer and dryer in the house! That would be a dream. I hate going to the laundry facility on site. That's always an experience in and of itself. Plus I'm looking for a place with a larger than average bath tub. Ahhh the luxery of a tub. Most people don't even take advantage of a good soak. So I'm looking. I may rent or I may buy. The whole purpose is to find something that is not as expensive as my current bungalow and that is a little bit nicer or at least has some charm.
So off I go on my journey for a new home. I checked out some really cute places in an area close to where a friend of mine lives. Really sweet apartments with lots of character but a little small for my taste. Plus the one I really liked, although too small, doesn't accept pets. I have a very adorable mixed breed dog named Roxie and even though I sometimes wonder why I tolerate her accidents in the house and the chewing of my wonderful black, strappy sandals, I can't imagine life without her. You have to either be an animal lover or just a dog lover to understand that but that's just the way it is. 'BD' doesn't understand this and probably never will. He's not an animal lover, I guess. His simple suggestion was to get rid of the dog. I was SHOCKED that he would even fathom such a thing.
But like I said, it's something he doesn't understand and never will. That's OK. So back to my dilema of house/apartment hunting. As we were heading back to his house we passed an adorable little yellow house that was for rent. The fellows that owned it live up in Chicago and plan on renting it out until they decide to relocate permanently to Florida. I fell in love with this quaint, little house. It was perfect for one person or a couple. Only problem is I can't afford the rent they are asking for it. Too bad, great location and just as sweet as anything. So my quest continues for that perfect 'Kat house' that I will call home for the next couple of years or so. I'm hoping that something will just present itself. That I'll stumble onto something that really tickles my fancy. I need a washer and dryer. And I really need a great tub. Not to mention it must accept pets. So those are the things that I really can't compromise on. I miss not having the big tub to soak in. I begged 'BD' to let me soak in his huge jaccuzzi tub the other night. He needed to study and didn't want to be distracted or bothered but after much hesitation and deliberation on his part he finally agreed. What he didn't understand was that I didn't want to
be bothered either. Once I get into "bath" mode...leave me alone. I purchased a mindless magazine, I had some bath gel. 'BD' even brought in a candle and I turned on some music and the jets to really get the suds going...and WOW! Absolute heaven. I must have soaked in that tub for almost 2 hours! My fingers were total prunes. But I was so happy and relaxed. It was truly wonderful. So you see, I must have a bath in my new place. I can't imagine 'BD' letting me take a bath at his place every time I get a whim to bathe.

Anyway, Bath or no bath....definitely showered, I will be going up on stage for the next Centro Ybor Improv open mic night on April 23rd at 8pm. Same rules apply, say my name at the window and you get in for free. I'm working on some additional material so there may actually be a new joke or two. Hope to see you there. If not, then you'd better have a good excuse why you weren't there.

Side note: Great movie to rent...Kissing Jessica Stein...get it and enjoy it. Worth the time.