Thursday, August 21, 2003

OK, so I'm going to vent. Not much different than any other time, I guess. And as I vent, I would imagine that some may feel that I shouldn't be complaining, but trust me, I have every right to complain.

My last blog was about dating and relating and this is no different. I'm becoming more and more discouraged about the whole dating/men/relationship thing. So far in the past year or so, I've had my run in with a few "unique" individuals. Now, I had gone through a very long dry spell where I was really becoming quite content with my life as a singleton. I had a job that sort of supported me, I had some great friends and a wonderful dog. That was my life and that was ok.

I was sort of in a funk as my best friend had decided to explore this great land and take a traveling position so she left. And, although I supported her decision to work around the country as this was something she had always wanted to do, I have to admit I was nervous about her leaving me here alone. We didn't even hang out that much, but she's still my best friend and....I digress. A few short months after her departure, I had to put my beloved dog to sleep after a long illness. That was devastating. But life continued and I aquired a new pup. Things were picking up. Then my interest went into stand-up comedy and things started to turn around. I found my self esteem picking up and, thus, men started to come out of the wood work.

Like I said, I was coming out of a 2 1/2 year dry men, nada, nothing. So I wasn't prepared when a good looking, seemingly normal gent started to pay attention to me. He was fun, for a while, but ultimately, he has a huge chip on his shoulder when it comes to the opposite sex. Plus, I guess in looking back on the whole "psuedo" relationship it was the first time in over 2 years that someone payed any attention to me so I thought he was just awesome....but time told his true story and he was just adequate.

During my non-committed "psuedo" relationship with the first guy, I met man #2. Very much a gentleman. Kind of "edgy" as he rode motorcycles, but that one turned into a friendship...and that's not so bad. He's a great friend and we enjoy each others company....but let's face it, when you're single and looking, the last thing you want is a friendship with a single, attractive, heterosexual male. Again, I digress.

Then, I met the doctor. Not much attraction at first but charming. Later I found out that he was engaged to a girl from his "mother land" and had quite the reputation at the hospital. Hey I bounced back from that one too and kept my chin up and hopes high.

Next I'd try internet dating...or should I say internet meeting and we'll go out on a date only to have them cancel 3 times and never hear from them again. But I'm not bitter....I figure he must have lost my e-mail address. Yeah, right. A few more prospects came about and I actually met one out for drinks, but there was absolutely no attraction and I thought he felt the same way until he very awkwardly attempted a kiss in the parking lot of the drinking establishment. I so smoothly turned my head and all he received was a hug. Oh well, no love, or more time lost on that one.

But wait, there's more.....Then came along a few more potentials from cyber dating that never panned out into anything more than some talk about meeting up then it fizzling into never meeting at all. I did eventually go out on a "date" with a guy from the "net" only to have him insult me directly to my face and then laugh it off saying that I had a great sense of humor. Well, I would have to have a great sense of humor since I was sitting there with sasquatch himself. (No wonder they have never found BigFoot in the NorthWest....he's been hiding out here in Florida all this time!)

So that's where I am at this moment. I spend most of my free time with my gay boyfriend as I enjoy his company more than the company of any straight man I've met thus far. I'm still hopeful that I'll meet a great guy. But until then...somebody's got some s'plainin to do!