Saturday, October 25, 2003

So I ask you, where are all the good men? Did someone round them up and ship them off to the other side of the world? And if I meet any decent men, they are attached to someone else or gay. So then I figure that an attached nice guy has nice guy friends, but NOOOO, he doesn't. All his friends are assholes and he openly admits that they are assholes and would not be good enough for me. I can't say that I'm being too picky, but I certainly have a knack for attracting very strange men into my life. And how am I to know that they will turn out to be so freaky unless I get to know them. And once I get to know them, I then figure out that they are just too freaky for me, but now they won't go away.
So, what am I doing wrong? Is it possible to find someone who can be a gentleman, not a wimp, not too macho that he isn't secure with himself, not a control freak, ambitious, and who is attractive, at least to me????? Oh yeah...and he must love animals, especially dogs. ARE YOU OUT THERE!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! MR. MAN!!!!!!!