Sunday, November 02, 2003

In my never ending quest for "Mr. Man", the trials and tribulations continue. Where are all the good men? Why is it that so many men have issues. I realize that I have issues. That we all have "issues". But why does it seem so enormous now. Why?

I don't feel that I'm asking too much. A life partner. Is that too much? And I don't even think that partnership has to be a lifetime. Really, as we change throughout our lifetime, it's hard to feel as though you can still feel the same about a certain individual that once was so important to you. Unless you both change in similar fashions. As we grow through our lifetime, it's inevitible that we may very well grow apart. Not all are meant to grow exactly the same. But we can either embrace the changes in our partner or move on. Much easier said than done.

Still...I do know that I'm more secure with myself now then I ever was. Sure there are things that I'd like to change but really. I like who I have become. I can certainly look back and see that some of the "boys" I had chosen in my younger years I would not have chosen now. And I'm still growing as a person. Still developing that sixth sense. Tuning my intuition and listening to it more and more.

Now that I'm able to be more mature about my life. More capable of seeing the red flags. MOre open to new things and more secure with myself....I have to ask....Where are all the good men?