Monday, November 10, 2003

Well, a slight diversion from the usual bitch session on my search for a decent gent. I have to give myself a pat on the back. Some kudos to me!!! Today starts the 6th week of working out at the gym at least 4 times a week. For those of you who know me, at least know me well, you know I'm NOT a morning person. However...I have been dragging myself out of bed in the wee hours of the A.M. and trodding off to the gym. Many mornings lingering in bed 9 more minutes, as that is all my snooze button allows. But I, nevertheless, make it to the gym and work out. I feel stronger, more awake throughout the day...and yes, proud that I have kept up with it.

But I can't take credit alone. I have my GB to thank. If it were not for him to show me how and what I needed to do and the fact that he is going to be there and I don't want to stand him up. Well, that gets me to the gym. So, thanks, 'W'. I never would have stuck with it this long if it weren't for you. You are the wind beneath my wings. You complete had me at hello. OK....I mean really. I am grateful for a workout partner. But I am also proud of myself for sticking with it. Congrats to me!