Sunday, February 08, 2004

Ah, Valentine's day. Right around the corner. The day of the year that cupid shoots his arrow into the ass of those in love. Yeah...right.

Commercials galore. All touting the perfect gift for your beloved. Why is it that if you're not with someone then you should feel inadequate? Or, if you are with that "special person" this day should be any different than any other day? Why can't we expect to be treated wonderfully all year round? I mean, let's face it...even in love...that special someone can get annoying. But it doesn't mean that I don't want to be in love and with someone or that I'm not in love just not with that someone right now.

And to make things worse, Valentine's Day also falls on a Saturday. Great. Not only do I not have a "valentine" but I don't have that "valentine" on a Saturday night!!!

But ya's ok. Saturday night or no Saturday night, Valentine's day or's ok.
I don't need someone giving me some freakish Hallmark kissing bear, some heart shaped box of carbs (although I do love's the seratonin thing I'm sure) or a bunch of half opened mini-roses from a grocery store cooler.
I'm not interested in a sappy card expressing any sort of romance from the one I love. The one I love knows what I want. And, although much time will pass until I get what I want and this Valentine's Day is just another day to me. I am happy for all those who have someone special in their lives. And for those who don't have that one special person, look around and you may find that your Valentine may be in your group of friends or family, or your wonderful pet.

It's just another commercialized holiday. We should remember to love those around us every day. Even on those days where our wonderful mate annoys the shit out of us. Where we just need some down time, alone time....time to regroup and realize that there is something to be thankful for. Even if they are annoying, be thankful.

Oh yeah...Happy Valentine's Day. (barf)