Sunday, February 15, 2004

The waiting game. I'm not very good at waiting. Not a patient person by any means. Waiting seems to be happening a lot in my family. My sister is "waiting" to get her little boy through adoption. I am "waiting" to get my nephew. My parents are "waiting" to be grandparents. My dad is "waiting" for my mom to retire.

We don't live in a patient society. Drive thru eating, banking, even marriage! Express lanes at the grocery store. Fifteen minute lunch specials so we can get back to work and work longer days and spend less time with family. Road rage, air rage....rage over war or peace! It's pathetic! What are we doing to ourselves? Our society? Is this improvement? Are we getting better or worse?

We are not taught to be patient. We are a society of right here right now, instant gratification. Christ, if you don't want to wait to have sex with your girlfriend/spouse you can drive to a certain area pick up a prostitute and have at it for 10 bucks!!! (I know this because I know of people who actually DO this!) We may have heard that good things come to those who wait...but we don't wait long enough to see.

Needless to say, I have no choice. Sometimes that's just the way it is. We have no choice. So I wait to be an aunt. I wait for the next phone call. Wait to see who is going to run against Bush in the upcoming election and pray that Bush gets out of office so we can start planning on getting these troops home. For not being patient, I certainly have my patience cut out for me.

And I do want to add to all this waiting shit...I'm not putting my life on hold "waiting". I'm continuing to live my life. It would be out of character for me not to do so. However, I may not have patience, but I do know a good thing when I see it and this is definitely worth waiting for. But I HATE WAITING!