Monday, September 20, 2004

So I had a very relaxing weekend. I was able to catch up on some sleep and there was no threat of a hurricane coming anytime soon. I was finally able to put my head to pillow and sigh. NO worries. Just relaxing all weekend. Until late Sunday night. I fell asleep and all was well until I woke around 3AM with a killer migraine. Head was about to explode and no one was there to feel even slightly sorry for me. The dog was bothered since I had woken her up. No love there. So I trod off to the kitchen with eyes barely open since they are bloodshot and swollen from the migraine. Need to locate the meds before it gets worse and I want to cut my fricken head off. Unfortunately, in my haste to get the pill out of the kinda breaks and there is some powder and a crushed pill on my hands. I don't care...I refuse to waste the medicine that is so important to my existance. {slightly dramatic but it's my fucking blog} I swallow the broken pill and the powder and realize at that moment that I've done something very wrong. I mean I realize why they make it in pill form...the poweder tastes like ASS! Now I must admit I've never really tasted ass, and I've been told it's not so bad...but at this point in the night when my head is pounding and all I want is some relief from the driving pain...ass is not what I care to taste. Well...the horrible, bitter powder in my mouth sends me in a rush to the bathroom. Now I'm gagging and hugging the toilet seat.

I spent the better part of the wee hours of the morning in the bathroom, over the toilet, clearly not my best hour. If you've ever experienced a migraine and had the pleasure of taking it to the level of throwing up then you will understand that the throwing up part really doesn't make the headache feel any better. And to make matters worse, the medicine that was supposed to help get rid of the headache was now in the toilet. Didn't even get a good chance to disolve but I was fortunate enough to get that wonderful bitter taste again as it was making it's short lived trip back up. And so as not to stop there, my wonderful dog has now gotten curious to know why I am on the bathroom floor aparently 'gazing' into the toilet that I usually 'shoo' her away from. She meanders over to where I am plopped on the floor and decides that if I was this interested in the toilet, it must be good. At this point my head is in the toilet and so is Roxie's. Tail wagging, ears perked, nose trying so desperately to see what is so fascinating about the toilet. In between heaving, I'm trying to get her the fuck outta there. Leave me vomit in peace for god's sake. If that is possible. Gotta love that dog, she always knows where to put her 'nose' at just the right moment.

At this point you must be she really blogging about puking? And the answer would be yes...I had to experience it and since nothing exciting has happened lately, you will read about my headache/puke experience.

Back to bed I went with a cold cloth on my head and a bag of frozen veggies wrapped in a towel behind my neck. I find that frozen peas seem to work best as it's almost like those buckwheat travel pillows and they conform to the neck very well. I was able to find a cold gel mask for my eyes. It's in these moments that I am very glad that I am not in a relationship as I'm sure he would take one look at my pathetic, sorry ass and wonder why....

I was able to fall asleep for an hour or so. Woke up and took some more meds. Called in sick to work. At this point, I'm so out of it that I really don't care if the world were to end. I just want the pain to go away. I was able to sleep for a few more hours before I had to run to the bathroom again. It's during these headaches that I find that even thinking can send me into a tail spin. Aparently I had a thought.

Thankfully, now I am just in dazed and confused mode. When I finally do get rid of a migraine I'm usually pretty out of it later. Light and dizzy. But I am able to blog. Let us all be thankful for that. Riiiiiiight.