Thursday, September 16, 2004

You know the feeling when you care for it a family member, friend, significant care for them so much that when they are hurting it hurts you too. It's hard when I see those that I love hurting and I can't do anything about it. I feel so helpless. I want to say the right thing but ultimately I don't know what to say. I usually end up saying something funny. I can at least make you laugh. But that feeling of helplessness. Is that a woman thing? Do we always want to fix things? Make them better?

I hate feeling helpless. Nothing that I can do but just let those that are hurting know that I am here. Be it a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a beer to share. How about a LifeSaver...that seemed to be the answer in those commercials. I can offer a butterscotch LifeSaver. Nah...that really doesn't do shit. Chocolate cake might work...always makes me feel good for a moment.

I have to just succumb to the fact that I can't do anything to make it better or make the pain go away. I know this as I've been in those situations where it will have to happen in its own time. I can't make the war over. I can't bring someone home from a horrific place any sooner. I can't make the heartache go away within my friend who is missing her heart's desire. It will all happen in its own time. The only thing I can promise is that it will get better...someday it will be better. And in the meantime, I will be here.

Have a LifeSaver.