Saturday, September 25, 2004

Yet another hurricane is headed towards Florida. Not exactly the sunshine state that I had in mind when I moved here. And although this hurricane, 'Jeanne', is hitting the east coast first...and moving across the state, we're still going to get hit with something. Depending on the path thus far, we're going to get something and quite frankly I'm so over this shit. Just like most Floridians...we're ALL over this shit.

I don't make the kind of money that is required to "stock up" every fricken weekend. Nor do I consume endless amounts of canned food on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. I have more tuna, pork-n-beans, chili and various fruits and veggies that I just know will not be eaten in the next 6 months even if I had a hurricane canned good party. Looks like the local homeless shelter will be getting my hurricane goods come this Thanksgiving.

So now it's a sit and wait it out kinda thing to see if my power goes out and if so for how long. When hurricane Frances came through the area as a tropical storm, there were areas that didn't have power for weeks! I'm not good without power. I don't like camping and roughing it. Therefore I don't camp! I hate it. It's not my style. And my patience with these damn hurricanes is wearing very thin.

What's interesting is as I sit here bitching about my anxiousness with the hurricane and how I don't like being inconvenienced with no power, buying shit food that I don't normally like to eat, I feel humbled since I know that it's really not that bad. I can't help but think of our troops in the middle east. One person in particular whom I just wish would come home. But every single person in the military who is over there serving their country. At times, no power, shit food...regardless of what they may or may not have, it's still not home. I will never know what it is like for those over there. They are not forgotten. Be all those stationed in the middle safe. Especially you, z. I don't think I could forget you even if I tried.