Wednesday, October 20, 2004


For months now I've dealt with the problems of a computer virus. Yes, most likely because I didn't have any anti-virus software on my computer. Never claimed to be a computer wiz...more like a computer kerplunk. I tried to live with the virus but finally it had the best of me and I had a friend come over and he spent 6 hours....yes...6 hours sitting and trying to figure out what I had done to my system then ultimately rebuilding it. 6 long hours but I finally had my system back. Or so I thought. Little by little the virus crept back into my system. Well...maybe not crept but bolted back into my computer. It was so frustrating!!! I live and breathe by my computer. Hey, I may not know how the hell it works but I still love it. Let's face it...I don't know what makes a car run but I drive the damn thing!... I digress...

Last week as I was updating my windows. I completed the update and attempted to retrieve my email. Well, that wasn't happening. I couldn't type my ID or password and I couldn't figure out why. I went to the internet and soon realized that not only could I not access my email, I couldn't do anything on the internet that required me to type in anything. No google, no online banking, no search engines what-so-ever! Now I was pissed. And fed up! For about 6 months I had dealt with this damn virus and the affects it had on my beloved computer. I was done!

Along comes DELL. One phone call and credit approval later...I await my new DELL laptop. I love that word. It's my new man...laptop. Well guess what... here it is. I'm using it to write this blog. I love it. Much like I would love a man who arrives on time, looks this good and is up and running in a matter of minutes! new man has yet to disappoint me. I know, I 're thinking that it's early in the relationship but I have a feeling this will be a long and wonderful relationship. He's on my "lap" as I type. It's been over 8 hours and I'm not sick of him yet. So far I don't feel smothered or need my space. He has not once done anything that I haven't wanted him to do. This may be love. It's early but it may very well be love. Me and the laptop. the rate I'm going and the luck I have with the "other" men...maybe this ain't so bad.