Monday, March 22, 2004

I ran across a great quote and had to share...

"bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"

Sunday, March 21, 2004

This week must be the week for me to run across some profound bumper stickers.
I am not a fan of bumper stickers myself. Would not put one on my car and it's not like I own any amazingly expensive car. I just don't like them. But I felt it necessary to at the very least let others know of these two bumper stickers that caught my eye.

Here they are in no particular favorite order:

* I wish I could find a florist to send two Bush's to Iraq.
* My relationship with God is fine, it's his fan club I have a problem with.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

You know....I just want to say that if you're having a bad day...probably best not to watch something on TV called "The Fabulous Life of..." It won't make you feel any better.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

I promised myself that I would not be consumed with what is going on in Iraq now that I know someone over there. I figured that if I distanced myself from the events in Iraq I would get through this waiting period and it would go by quickly. However, I was wrong. I seem to be glued to the news. Television, radio, internet. Whatever, whenever I hear of something new going on over there I am tuned in. I find myself telling people about the Shiites, the Sunni's and the Kurdish people. Not just tid-bits of information, I suddenly know so much about what is going on in the middle east it's almost scary. Every time I hear on the TV that more US soldiers have been killed I find myself on my computer scanning the names of the dead and praying that it's not someone I know. Still feeling deep sadness for the ones whose lives have been taken from them, ones I don't know. Wondering how their families are doing. I wonder how they continue their lives, because life does go on. But do they ever wonder if the rest of us realize what their son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend did for our nation? We're heading into spring and ads depict getting away to warmer weather or taking a skiing vacation out West. Life just nothing is even going on anywhere. Except for the news at six during dinner, we really don't think about it unless you know someone. Maybe some concern but really you can't possibly know what it's like for those waiting at home for their loved ones unless you are one of those people waiting.

It's the unknown that's the scarriest. Not knowing what is going on except what the media chooses to tell you. But one person did tell me that there's a saying in the army and I have heard it elsewhere but "no news is good news". I guess that may be true.

How interesting it is for this to be going on. All the horrible things going on in this world. Today the trains were bombed in Madrid, Spain killing more than 180 people. I often wonder if this is what God, or Allah, or Buddah, or whatever higher power one believes this what they intended for us?
Fighting and killing our own? For land? For the right to believe whatever we want to believe? For basic freedoms? Is this really how it's supposed to be?

So today's blog doesn't flow very well, but that's my right. If my blog doesn't flow...well, there are worse things that could happen.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

I sit here and stare at this computer screen wanting to post something on my blog as it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything. But nothing comes to mind. Actually, many things are on my mind but I can't seem to express them onto this site. I wouldn't know where to start. I guess I'm feeling magenta. Magenta is a term I have that I got from my favorite sitcom, The Golden Girls. No, I'm not at all ashamed to admit this. Those who know me well know that I am a hopeless Golden Girl fanatic. It's my obsession. But the term magenta is something that Blanche used to describe when she's feeling all sorts of things.....she's not "green" with envy, she's not feeling "blue", she wouldn't consider herself a coward therefore she's not "yellow". When she has all these emotions going on at once she calls it "magenta" because she hates feeling this way and she hates the color magenta. That's how I feel. Magenta. All kinds of emotions at once. So I just babble on my blog because I can. A meaningless entry. No politics, no religion, nothing personal to blog about. And I am usually so opinionated...but not today...not now. Now I'm just magenta.