Wednesday, November 26, 2003

My last blog I wrote about how wonderful this time of year is. And I do so enjoy this time of year. Love the holidays. However...I just received news that a friend of mine will be headed over to Iraq. And I want to really stress to all who stumble upon my blog. Whether you're religious, spiritual, atheist....whatever....keep our troops in your thoughts. And if you do believe in a higher power...pray for them.

Sunday, November 23, 2003

AH, the holiday season is upon us, once again. How wonderful this time of year is. Hectic but wonderful. I love the holidays. If you've been reading my blog you know how much I love Christmas and enjoy my white Christmas in the Midwest at my sister's house. I've got my tickets and am so looking forward to my visit.

But it's the trip I am taking this week that is so exciting to me. I'm heading up to my best friend's place in Jersey and we are going into New York City for the weekend! I'm so thrilled. I've never been to NYC. I can't wait. The thought of being able to do all that shopping makes me quiver in my shoes! OK, so maybe I'm barefoot. But you get it. I can't imagine I'll have the time to do all the things I want to do. Rockafeller Center, the Christmas tree! All the decorations! Central Park, The Plaza, Times Square, MACY's!!!!!! Or the Met, The Museum of Natural History, So Ho, Broadway, China Town and all the knock off hand bags!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. Since I'm such a freak at Christmas and love it so much, my sister has dubbed me the "Christmas Whore". I accept the title with pride and honor.
I can't imagine what I'll be like in CHina Town with all the choices of fake Prada's, Gucci's, Kate Spade....all of it! I'm not ashamed to admit it...I'm poor, but I can at least look like I have style and taste...on a budget of course.

THis Thanksgiving, instead of sitting at home wondering where all the good men are, to hell with them! I'm going to see New York City and New York City will certainly see me!

Since this is a time of giving thanks. Let's not forget our troops over in the middle east. Whether we agree with what is going on or not, the fact remains that these men and women are risking their lives for us. Never forget them. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

I have news. Really good news. Actually, I've known for a while now but I didn't want to post anything just yet. And that news is...I'm going to be an aunt. Aunt Kat. Cool aunt Kat. I am so excited! My sister and her LP are adopting a baby boy. I couldn't be happier! I can't wait to meet the 'lil tyke. I can't wait to spoil him completely. I can't wait to read him books, go to the zoo, amusement parks, sleep overs, fast food happy meals, riding bikes, staring at clouds and making up shapes, and ice cream, birthday parties, Christmas. All with my nephew. My beautiful, wonderful nephew.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Well, a slight diversion from the usual bitch session on my search for a decent gent. I have to give myself a pat on the back. Some kudos to me!!! Today starts the 6th week of working out at the gym at least 4 times a week. For those of you who know me, at least know me well, you know I'm NOT a morning person. However...I have been dragging myself out of bed in the wee hours of the A.M. and trodding off to the gym. Many mornings lingering in bed 9 more minutes, as that is all my snooze button allows. But I, nevertheless, make it to the gym and work out. I feel stronger, more awake throughout the day...and yes, proud that I have kept up with it.

But I can't take credit alone. I have my GB to thank. If it were not for him to show me how and what I needed to do and the fact that he is going to be there and I don't want to stand him up. Well, that gets me to the gym. So, thanks, 'W'. I never would have stuck with it this long if it weren't for you. You are the wind beneath my wings. You complete had me at hello. OK....I mean really. I am grateful for a workout partner. But I am also proud of myself for sticking with it. Congrats to me!

Sunday, November 02, 2003

In my never ending quest for "Mr. Man", the trials and tribulations continue. Where are all the good men? Why is it that so many men have issues. I realize that I have issues. That we all have "issues". But why does it seem so enormous now. Why?

I don't feel that I'm asking too much. A life partner. Is that too much? And I don't even think that partnership has to be a lifetime. Really, as we change throughout our lifetime, it's hard to feel as though you can still feel the same about a certain individual that once was so important to you. Unless you both change in similar fashions. As we grow through our lifetime, it's inevitible that we may very well grow apart. Not all are meant to grow exactly the same. But we can either embrace the changes in our partner or move on. Much easier said than done.

Still...I do know that I'm more secure with myself now then I ever was. Sure there are things that I'd like to change but really. I like who I have become. I can certainly look back and see that some of the "boys" I had chosen in my younger years I would not have chosen now. And I'm still growing as a person. Still developing that sixth sense. Tuning my intuition and listening to it more and more.

Now that I'm able to be more mature about my life. More capable of seeing the red flags. MOre open to new things and more secure with myself....I have to ask....Where are all the good men?