Tuesday, July 26, 2005

What's on my nightstand?

Oh for Christ's sake...my lovely sister tagged me to answer this question in blog land.
So here goes...

What's on my nightstand?

Truth be told, it's a mess at the moment. Cluttered really but with some interesting stuff on it.

1. A lamp that I purchased from target. It's really great as so many things from Target are. The shade is mushroom in color and has that faux suede finish. Looks expensive but really isn't.

2. An alarm clock that is set 40 minutes fast as I must live in the twilight zone at all times. How easier it would be for me to set the clock at the correct time which would stop me from having to subtract 40 minutes every time I look at that damn alarm clock. I don't believe I have a clock in the house that is set at the correct time except for my computer clock. All are set at least 5 minutes fast just so I believe that I'll be on time...ultimately I'm always late. But I'm getting better.

3. My cordless phone and charger.

4. My cell phone as I always charge it next to the bed on my nightstand.

5. 2 Red candles that were a gift for my birthday. My bedroom is accented in a wonderful deep red.

6. A half full bottle of Dasani water.

7. A half full glass of diet Pepsi...flat diet Pepsi.

8. The 'cyber flicker'. Yes...on my nightstand is one of my vibrators.

9. The 'rabbit'....sometimes I like to spice things up with my adult toys.

10. Several magazines that I swiped from the Crowne Plaza hotel when I was in the Big Apple this past May.

11. Like my sister, I too have a nasty habit of reading several different books at one time. Currently on my nightstand; Angels and Demons by: Dan Brown, Drinking, Smoking and Screwing, a compilation of various authors such as Henry Miller and Anais Nin on the topics of drinking, smoking and screwing, Everything Happens for a Reason by: Mira Kirshshenbaum, the latest issue of Rolling Stone and the June Cosmo.

12. The TV remote.

13. A hair elastic

14. A nail file

15. Last but most important... Blistex chapstick...never go anywhere without it!

If I'm supposed to tag 5 other bloggers I really don't know who the hell to tag...so that's where I am going to be lame. But it was fun.