Wednesday, July 06, 2005

late but whatever

July 1st was the day Sandra Day O'Connor decided to resign from her position on the Supreme Court. This came as shocking news to me and I'm sure the rest of the civilized female population. Not that I care to watch, or even listen to that smug ass president of ours, but it will be interesting to see who he appoints to replace her. It will be interesting to see who he feels is "conservative" enough to make decisions regarding our wonderful country. Seeing that the state of the "United States" is certainly not as "united" as one would have hoped it to be at this stage in the game....maybe our "commander and chief" (and I use that term very loosely) will decide to put a tele-vangelist in the Supreme Court. Maybe he can "heal" us all and save us from temptation!

I want to include in this blog that being pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion. And not supporting the President does not mean that I do not support our troops and I'm anti-American. That couldn't be farthest from the truth. But the more the government is allowed to make decisions on my body and my personal space the more we lose on what we consider a "democracy".