Thursday, May 12, 2005

kit kat krap

Self diagnosis for myself...hence "self" diagnosis. Adult A.D.D.
  • Start to straighten the spare room. I come upon an old birthday card from someone dear to me.
  • Go create a 'memory' box out of old shoe box and cover with colorful wrapping paper. (SHIT, I've just done something crafty!) Leave wrapping paper on floor with scissors and tape. Box created.
  • Leave spare room to now hunt for cards and letters from those I care for dearly and fill my 'memory' box.
  • While searching through stacks of, well, shit and locating those 'memories' sort through old bills and throw them out.
  • Back to 'memory' box and cards and letters.
  • Decide to light some incense.
  • New CD in player.
  • Clean out nightstand drawer. (Not sure how I ended up in my bedroom and what I needed in my nightstand drawer)
  • Decide that I've added enough 'memories' to said memory box and put that away.
  • Oh, back to spare room to straighten.
  • While in den getting something for spare room, begin to rummage through crap in den and proceed to organize bookshelves.
  • Now on computer writing about my scattered mind...and nothing has been completed. Except now I have another box to put shit in that I probably should just throw out. Does this mean I'll end up an old lady with 83 cats shitting all over my place, overflowing litter boxes and I'm eating the cat food? Hmmm, things to ponder. What would Martha Stewart do? She'd probably take that memory box and rub a potato half on it to make it looked aged. It's a good thing.