Wednesday, April 27, 2005

this and that...and some Jessica Simpson

How exactly do I describe what's going on here. My dear mother. The women's lib influence in my life who always raised me to be independent and NEVER depend on a man for ANYTHING. She's in her late 60's and has changed her "tune" so to speak. She's chomping at the bit for me to meet a mate and get married. I, however, am not "chomping". I may be looking. Within the last few months I've dated a French guy who defined the word narcissistic. Not a bad guy but not for me either. Then there's the green eyed guy. those eyes can melt chocolate. Plus he's very tall. I like tall, even though I'm not much more than a munchkin myself. But he seems nice and we'll see what happens. Still, I find myself without that 'spark'. That magical chemistry that is so rare. That amazinig feeling when you realize that you are able to come together on all four levels; emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical. So rare but so wonderful when you think you have it with someone.

It's taken me through quite a journey to realize all four levels of emotion. I felt that I had that with one person in the past but, unfortunately, we're not on the same page anymore. And I'm finding it very difficult to find that with the fellas I'm meeting lately.

But back to my mother. She has a tendency to ask me from time to time about some of the men I may mention in my life. I have learned over time not to mention anyone I am dating. I've learned that the hard way. She has never liked anyone I've dated and has no problem telling me so. Yet she complains that I'm not involved with anyone. Well...I'm not in a serious relationship, but like I said, I've learned not to mention men so freely anymore. But I do talk about friends and she now brings up my male friends with the idea that maybe I should marry one of them.

My one friend, 'W' has met my mom and dad. 'W' and I are great friends. I love him to death. My mom has now targeted him as "the one". She's convinced that I can change his ways. See, 'W' likes boys too. We're the perfect couple. We both really like good looking boys. But my mom seems to think that I can reform him. Make him see the err of his ways. I don't think a phone call goes without mention of how 'W' is and has he decided to marry me yet. She claims she's kidding but I know she's not. She believes this is just some phase that he's going through and he'll come around in a matter of time. And the thing is, if it is just a phase, I happen to know that my beloved 'W' wouldn't even go for me. Hard to believe, I know, but I'm not his "type". Hey, can't win 'em all.

So what can I do? I manage to redirect her inquiries as much as possible, but she still will bring it up every so often. 2-3 times a week, actually. I feel like Bridget Jones without the English accent...and no Mark Darcy in sight. It is what it is...Can't put a muzzle on mom. Although the thought has crossed my mind and it did bring a smile to my face. I guess I'll never learn. Keep things surface with mom....How's the weather, How are you, How is the dog...blah blah blah. If not face the consequences. When will I ever learn?

I'm thinking that if I throw in some famous name in my blog from time to time and someone google's that person...they'll stumble onto my blog. Hey ...worth a try. So today the person I'm naming is Jessica Simpson...daisy duke short shorts. Oh hell, she is pretty. I'll admit that. Not really sure why I like her but for whatever reason I don't find her as annoying as say that Hilton she's a pain in the ass.