Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Paris Hilton

As I sit here after a day at the beach I'm watching 'E Entertainment News' and I had the fortunate opportunity to see Paris Hilton proudly introducing her new fragrance...'Sheer'. How is this possible? How does one person manage to be so fricken stupid and still be so popular. I think it took her about 7 minutes to say one sentence. In this really breathy voice she stated that her new fragrance "smells really hot... and sexy... and everybody loves it... and my whole family wears it....and all my friends love it...and they all think it's hot...cuz it's buy it...cuz you'll love it too...". She then finished her pulizter prize winning speech with some sound that I believe I have only heard once before in the movie 'Splash' where Daryl Hannah spoke her mermaid language! "EEEEEIIIIIIII."
It was just some sort of screetch. I have this tremendous urge to run out right now and purchase this "hot" toilet water that Paris is so proud of.

I'm not apologizing for anything. I don't look even a smidge like her....thankfully. I'm still beautiful and I'm sticking to what I truly believe. Yes, she is tan and blonde and thin. Every guy's dream lay. But seriously fellas. One can only maintain the heat of passion for so long...then what are you going to do with the rest of your day? Roll around in her "hot" perfume? What kind of interaction could you possibly have with this person? I guess you'd get along really well if you both loved the word "hot". Cuz it's so "hot".

eh...that's my bitch for the day. Oh, that and the fact that J. Lo is using real animal fur in her new clothing line. Shame on you Jennifer Lopez! Like you don't have enough money!