Saturday, April 09, 2005


Yesterday I made a very hard decision. I decided to resign from my job. I have no job to go to just yet...but I do have a very good lead. I'm sure that position will come through for me. But still, I did resign from my position without another job to go to and that is always something that is highly recommended not to do. I did it. I'd had enough. My entire body was drained. I was tired and depressed more often that I cared to admit. The more I allowed them to mistreat me the more I withdrew from myself, my life and anything that I would have enjoyed. I didn't like who I had become. My entire being was affected by this. It wasn't so much the position itself but I had allowed one person to affect me in an extremely negative way and I'd had enough. I was once funny and hadn't found anything to be funny about anymore. And since I'd recently had a birthday I found myself thinking that my work was no longer in line with what I wanted in my life. It was interfering with what I was trying to accomplish. Therefore, I made the decision to leave.

Once I made the announcement I felt such relief! My anxiety slowly started to dissipate. By the time I left work I was able to move my neck. It's amazing how I was physically affected by the negative aspect of this job. How much better I feel now. I'm so happy! Those that have called me have told me that they can hear it in my voice. I can feel my old self coming back and that's such a wonderful feeling.

I'll miss so many of the people I have met through my work. I'll miss most of my co-workers as I so enjoyed them in so many ways. But it came down to what was important to me. ME! I was more important. My well being was more important. My mental and physical health was more important to me than any paycheck could ever be. And I should never, NEVER let one person affect me so negatively ever again. Life is too short to be miserable. See...turning 29 for the second time...I love the wisdom. I'm just at that point where I've decided if it's not worth my time or in line with what I want, then I'm moving on. It's just got to be that way. As hard as it is to walk it a job, a friend, a relationship....I don't want to spend any more energy in something that isn't going to go in the direction I want it to go. I don't deserve to be taken for granted. I don't deserve to be mistreated. I don't deserve to be treated in any negative way that will make me feel that I am not as good as I am. No one should ever feel less than. And I'm done feeling that way. I'm taking my power back. Back from my boss. Back from anyone who has tried to take it from me. I'm done. You either get it or you don't. Either way...I'm FABULOUS!

Happy Birthday to my wonderful sister! Happy Birthday Mops! You rock!