Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy VD

I was not looking forward to this day at ALL! I was wishing I could just nix the whole Valentine's Day bullshit completely from my memory for just this one year. I came to the conclusion that unless I was willing to take enormous quantities of some major illegal drug, I had no choice but to face the day head on and deal with the inevitable. No Valentine. OK. I'm OK with that. I woke up with a slight headache but pushed forward into my day. I can do this.

What a wonderful surprise I ended up having. It's almost too unreal to mention as I'm so astonished myself. As I arrived at work I went to my usual Monday morning staff meeting. (boring) but after when I slowly turned the corner to my cubbie. There on my desk was a HUGE arrangement of flowers. Beautiful flowers! An enormous arrangement full of favorite! The card attached was anonymous but I had an idea who it might be. But he, apparently had more planned and this was just the beginning of my eventful day. The card detailed what would happen once my day of work ended and I was to go home and get ready for an amazing dinner at my favorite restaurant. I was giddy all day. I had a smile on my face as though I woke up with a hanger in my mouth.

I left work to go to my scheduled visit to one of my hospitals. My admirer must have been at work as I had an iris on my windsheild as well with another note detailing what would happen "after dark". I was so shocked at his attention to detail. My day had to go quickly so I could get to that moment of bliss when I would meet him later. The day dragged on but I finally finished my work and headed home.

I raced through the door and jumped in the shower. So excited for his arrival. I was so shiny clean and my low cut shirt with push-up bra on. His favorite perfume applied in just the right places. The doorbell rang. I looked good. I was nervous.

When he came in he looked at me as though it was the first time he's seen me in months. He came towards me and cupped my face in his hands and kissed me long and soft. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to make it to the restaurant. I wanted him right now! What this man can do to me. He kissed my neck as he pushed my hair aside and walked behind me. All the time constantly touching me. I could feel my heart racing and my mind was too. It was so smooth as he reached around to place a beautiful white gold and ruby necklace around my neck. He lifted my hair to fasten it and as the clasp closed he softly ran his finger down the back of my neck and enveloped me in his arms. I leaned back against him and sighed. It felt so good to be held and feel safe. I never thought he would have come through for me. It wasn't the gifts, although they were beautiful. It was being with him. He did all of this for me. I felt so special...

and then my cell phone rang and I woke up. Yeah....this shit doesn't really happen. And it's obvious I don't have much of an imagination. But what the fuck. It's my fucking blog and my fucking computer and fuck it. Don't read the damn thing. I don't care.

Happy fucking Valentine's Day.