Friday, January 21, 2005

A dark day

Yesterday was the inauguration of the 42nd president of the United States and, yes, it was a dark day. Sad but true. I wanted to avoid watching any part of the inaurguration on television, however, I happened to pass a T.V. while I was working. I guess if I had to see any part of this extravagant production, this was the perfect time. Standing in the crowd were many protesters holding many, many signs but one caught my eye that was very profound. The sign read "Bush, how much body armor does $40 million buy?"

I think that statement pretty much sums it all up.

To all you die hard republicans, go ahead and justify $40 million dollars spent for one day's celebration. But you better think before you speak the next time you want to refer to the bleeding heart liberals as un-American or un-patriotic. Think long and hard about that.

Enough said.