Friday, January 28, 2005

Freak'in kick'in myself

You know how women are? We analyze. Analyze everything. Well guess what, I must have gotten more of that "analyze" gene cuz I not only analyze everything. I toil. I labor over things. Wonder. Re-enact. Completely kick it till it's dead. Call my friends and proceed to, again, kill the topic and analyze to complete and utter death! I HATE IT! WHY? Why do I do this to myself? It's 2:15AM. I can't sleep and that's why. Over, under, sideways analyze every fucking thing! I'm dying here and I can't stop! Must keep going. And for what? Slogging away at something that's bothering me....endlessly! The analyze demon has raged his wicked head and here I sit, blogging, eyes bloodshot and puffy.

It's sleep deprivation....yeah...that's it. Whatever.