Monday, March 07, 2005


People are interesting. Take, for example, a situation. No relationship...two people who enjoy each other's company. Boundaries have been defined. But isn't it always the case where one seems to drive the pseudo "non-relationship". It is the person who has, in his mind, taken control or seems to have control. Completely defined the "non-relationship" according to his terms. Fine by me. All I asked for is honesty. And, thus far...have gotten honesty. However, as long as it's convenient with his schedule. When I exercise my given right in the "non-relationship"'s not so good. How fabulously interesting this has all turned out to be. What is convenient for me is not always convenient for the other who, in his mind, has control. Unfortunate, really. I guess it's a man thing.

But it goes far beyond male/female relationships. It extends into any relationship, really. How about friends? Isn't there a saying that goes something order to have a friend you must be a friend. What is a friend, really? I always thought it was a two way street. I seem to have some who think that differently. More like a friendship of convenience. When they seem to have the time to dump on me. I need to listen. The ones who never really ask about me just tell me their problems. And call when it's convenient for them. Never taking into consideration that it's 3AM and I have to work in the morning. I don't call them...ever...but they are free to dump on me any time. How convenient I have made things for them. Never asking for anything in return. Wanting to be there if needed. But they never really bothered to see if I needed them. That's not friendship to me. To me, that's a doormat. I understand that there are many times when friends go thru times where they may need me more so at that time...but I know that my friends are there for me when I need them. But there are those that don't bother to think about my needs. They just consume themselves with...well, what's important to them....THEM!

Well, then...let's take back that power. It's tough out there. Hard enough to know who to trust and who is going to hurt you. I'm too old to play games. There are some things in this life that are worth having/knowing...and I happen to be one of them.