Wednesday, April 27, 2005

new job

Many people believe that things happen for a reason. I happen to be one of those people.

Yesterday I was offered the job I anticipated being offered. I gratefully accepted the offer. I wanted the position and I really didn't have anything else to go to. Still, though, if you have read my previous post, you will know that I resigned from my job with nothing to go to. Although somewhat uneasy about doing so, I haven't felt this good in over a year. It really came down to what was most important to me and I was so confident that I would get this new job that I just made that decision to leave.

The day I actually had my first interview for the position wasn't even a scheduled interview. My friend works at the hospital that I am now employed at and I called her in a moment of hysteria. I had just had a blow up with my boss. It was one of those moments that I felt so utterly at a loss. I wanted to drive away from everything and never come back. Well, after I picked up my dog...then drive away and never come back. I called 'K' and in between sobs I told her I was coming over to the hospital and could she have a cup of coffee with me. By the time I got there I had stopped crying and attempted to make myself look somewhat presentable to the public. She listened to my story and I calmed down. As 'K' walked me out she passed by the manager's office and introduced me to the manager. She mentioned that I was interested in the new position in the ER and next thing I know I'm interviewing for the job! I feel like shit, I look like shit...I mean I'd just been sobbing and I really HATE to break down at work as I never want work to think they got to me. Within 20 minutes I'm shaking her hand and asking what the next step is. That starts the ball rolling.

Suddenly I'm confident that I'm getting the position after anther kick ass interview with the staff. Yet it's a waiting game. And I'm not one for patience. All of a sudden my birthday brings along a life evaluation...then poof! I'm resigning from my job without the other offer as of yet. But the feeling of stress fleeing my body was so worth resigning. And yesterday, Tuesday, April 26, 2005, what I had known all along, the offer came through. Talk about relief! How grateful am I? Very!

So you all happened for a reason. I'd been through some rough months. It seemed as though one bad thing after another just kept coming. I really felt that there was no light at the end of the tunnel but there was. I eventually saw it and things got better. If things hadn't gotten so bad I may not have taken the effort to search for something else that payed better. Something that would put me in line with what I want from my life. Something much more rewarding. And here I to sleep at night and in a much better place emotionally, mentally, physically.

Next step...what does every gal want...seriously.