Tuesday, May 03, 2005

The Big Apple

New York here I come!

I'm so excited. I've only been to New York City once before and, although I had fun, much of my time was spent with my best friend's boyfriend. Her 'bf' at that time was a major pain in the ass and annoying as hell. It's hard for me to endure too much time spent with a complete moron. Stupidity is something that I have very little tolerance for if any at all. If that makes me a snob...then so be it. (She has since moved on to a much, MUCH better guy.)

Back to my New York trip. I have yet to experience Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, the Plaza Hotel, New York pizza...EVERYTHING! Times Square is something that I'd like to experience again. The energy of the city is something I can't wait to experience. This time I plan on coming home with more "stuff" than I did the last time. I'd also like to go horseback riding in Central Park. Seems weird but I usually end up going horseback riding just about every place I travel to and that would be so cool to do in the middle of the city.

This couldn't have happened at a better time. I don't start my new job until May 23rd so why not take a mini-vaca with my best guy friend. Although he'll be working during the day I'll be able to roam around and hopefully my sister's friend, S, will be able to meet up with me at least once and we can explore the city together! I'm really excited about this trip if you haven't already guessed.